

This company has long and short-term goals to put into operation in an organised manner, which will address few burning issues of the third world countries.

Prevent blindness and protect the blind

Provide immediate treatment to very poor young and elderly people to give them a chance to change their life. Sight loss can be a disheartening journey; even losing some of your sight can be very distressing and have a big effect on your life. People from all sections of life express with regret that they struggle with a range of emotions from anger and frustration, to depression and grief. People’s Aid UK comes forward to help those people who are not financially capable to treat the sights from blindness or get their sights back by locally organising eye camps for cataract operations or treatment and eventually establishing Medical Centre for Eye Care.

Skills Development

Export oriented skills development to engage young vulnerable people of the society and income generation projects for independent long-term sustainability. This project encompasses job potential training such as Catering, Service delivery for hotels and restaurants, Care, Automobiles, IT etc.

Support to Elderly people

Where poor elderly people are ignored by their relatives due to economic reasons, we will be there to extend our hands to elderly people to give them support with shelters, wheelchairs, pushcarts and other basic needs of life.

Employment for Orphans

Arrange marriage for orphan male and female and support them with training and skills development and provide with machinery and equipment like sewing machines, handicraft tools etc. to become self-reliant

Education & Training

Provide education and training for street children and ensure safety, security and shelter for them who are dropped out of mainstream school in third world countries like Bangladesh

Safe water

Arrange alternative source of safe water where arsenic poisoning and salinity is an acute problem for drinking and cultivation of crops in recurrently flood stricken countries like Bangladesh e.g. Water Hand Pump or tube wells etc.

Save Environment

Organise environmental awareness campaigns to reduce deforestation, air, water and sound pollution in the UK and Bangladesh. Forests are home to as much as 90% of the world’s land-based animal and plant life. They provide food, shelter, fuel and income to 1.6 billion people. Forests also regulate the climate and water cycles and prevent soil erosion. Therefore we will encourage indigenous tree plantation to improve economic condition of the local community and to reduce carbon footprint.

Domestic Violence & Abuse

Protect women and children subject to domestic violence and abuse by providing them with legal support, education and training in the UK and Bangladesh.

Drug Abuse and Addiction

This causes serious mental and physical hazards, e.g. stress, anxiety, depression and any other deadly illness leading to many social crimes like drugged driving, violence, child abuse, robbery, sex abuse which endanger public life, destroy families and societies. The reasons for drug abuse and addiction (e.g. cocaine, heroin, alcohol etc) include family history, abuse, neglect, traumatic experiences, mental disorders, environment, peer pressure etc. People Aid UK will carry out campaigns and distribute leaflets & posters, organise seminars and conferences, provide advice and suggestions and hold TV talk show and drug abuse awareness programme etc.

Senior Living Home & Orphan Village

This is an ambitious project which People’s Aid UK aims to establish in the long run for disabled and helpless old people resorted to begging to make sure that they are safe and is being provided with basic needs which make a real difference in their life. The orphans and street children are abused by criminal people for their own benefits and their lives are at a high risk (red zone) due to involvement in social crimes (drug, sex, theft, shoplifting, pick-pocketing etc). People Aid UK would pick them up and take them to safe zone (Orphan Village) where they would be supported with all basic needs of life, e.g. food, clothing, shelter, education, medicare etc and make them self-reliant and build them as responsible citizens.


There are millions of people worldwide that are physically disabled and depend on their families to look after them on a daily basis. It is estimated that at least 100 million children, teens and adults worldwide need a wheelchair but cannot afford one. Some international organisations believe that the number could be as high as 6% of the population of developing countries. In the first world countries, we can easily manage to look after disabled family members and friends on a full time basis due to vast amount of social welfare support available to us. But what about in the third world countries where there is a lack of social support or in many cases, none present?

Peoples Aid UK are dedicated to work with the people in vulnerable situation and keen to promote the joy of giving support, creating global friendship and distribute a wheelchair to every child, teen and adult in the world who needs one. For these people we are trying to bring hope, independence, mobility and smile.

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